Teen Counseling
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Marrkazul Irrshaad Wa Tawjeeh
Centre of Islamic Counseling and Guidance
Raising Kids & teens in Islam
By: Sheikh Daoud Bojang

Through this reformer and illiterate educator, Allah has revealed the most complete and honorable law, the Shariah, for the benefit of mankind. Among the countless blessings of Islam to the children of Adam, are the methods and principles for the continuous prosperity and growth of civilizations and peoples. The only reason behind this remarkable system is to draw mankind out of the darkness of shirk, ignorance, and disbelief into the light of Tawheed, guidance, and the knowledge of Allah. This concept is mentioned in Surah Maidah, in ayahs 15 and 16, when Allah says:
Furthermore, Allah says in Surah Taubah, ayah 105:
Based on this ayah and many others, it has been made clear that a Muslim is encouraged to action and striving hard to achieve the righteous and good deeds, which are rewarded by Allah and to restrain himself from the wicked and indecent deeds, which incur the punishment of Allah. Islam is the religion of justice and knowledge and not a religion of injustice and ignorance. Islam is the religion of action and earning halal, and not a religion of laziness and carelessness.
Therefore every single power or tool needed to establish these two principles become the primary responsibility of the Ummah of Muhammad, (PBUH) in general, and its youth in particular. However, these youth must be sound in deen and aqeedah, strong in body, mind, intellect, and every other aspect of life. The reason why the youth are given the sacred obligation of establishing these principles is because the elders cannot lead the society much longer since their term is drawing near. So naturally the youth become the people depended upon to carry the wills of the society into the future. Since they are viewed as the heart of the body and if the heart is strong, able to pump the required amount of blood to the body, then the entire body will be strong and functioning. However, if the heart falls ill and weak, then the whole body becomes weak and ill.
Therefore, it is absolutely and vital that these category of youth be exceptional strong physically, mentally, morally, especially trained and raised according to the pristine teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah of the prophet (PBUH). Be aware that every system aside from the Qur’an and Sunnah, without exception, is predestined to failure, error, and eventual disappearance.
The system derived from the Qur’an and Sunnah is from Allah, the Lord and Creator of the universe. So who to know a machine better than its designer? Likewise, who knows human beings better than the One Who originated and brought them into existence? Allah knows us better than anyone else and designed for us a system that is logically the best and most appropriate one to follow. For Allah says in Surah Mulk, ayah 14:
Also, Allah says in Surah Fatir 35, ayah 31:
It has been made evident that no system, ideas, or philosophy existing on the face of the earth that can be successfully depended upon to ensure the health of future generations like the system created by Allah. Not only the best way to bring up the Muslim youth in according to the teachings of the Qur’an and the example of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him but the only way. The youth of every, single nation on earth are the power, the energy and the strength that push the wheel of that nation towards the future. However, their power and strength lacks wisdom and someone possessing power and strength but lacking wisdom automatically becomes a dangerous individual.
Therefore it is necessary for parents and those in charge of the youth to orientate them in the direction of the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, peace be upon him. Otherwise, they develop into a problem and fitnah for the society. Allah says in the Qur’an concerning this matter, in Surah 64 ayah 14 and 15:
Every aspect of human life, which includes economics, educational, cultural, industrial, and political, falls within the wisdom of the Shariah. Allah reinterates this point in surah Imran ayah 101, when He says:
So, the Shariah of Islam is exactly the way out of every difficulty. Be extremely cautious of every destructive movement, particularly Western culture, which is directly opposed to the Shariah of Allah. When these foreign methodologies are presented to our youth, they negatively disrupt the fitrah (character), upon which they were created. The Prophet (pbuh) said, ” All human beings are born with fitrah, the nature (Islam).
The first recommendation of Shariah for the production of righteous offspring is:
1. Careful selection of their mothers. Therefore, the actual upbringing begins before the child is born. A righteous salaf once said, “The mother is a school which not only prepares your home, but the entire nation.” The wife chosen should be sound in deen, pious, with a beautiful character. The woman must also be fed from halal, because if she is not fed from halal, then she comes from haram. So the milk used to nurse the baby will also be haraam, which will result in a baby of poor quality.
Allah says in Surah A’raf ayah 58, concerning this matter:
In other words, if the land is bad, that which springs from it will also be bad. In a hadith related by Ibn Majah, the Prophet, peace be upon him, says, ” Be very selective of where you inject your nutfah, (sperm) because the blood goes too far and can be traced a long way.
Let us now examine the factors that can secure righteous character in our youth.
First, attach the child to the principles of faith such as belief in Allah and His Oneness, belief in angels, messengers, the Resurrection and Judgment Day, the punishment of the grave, the Paradise and Hell. The first things to place into the mind of a child from the beginning are the words of, “La ilaha illa Allah.” The hikmah (wisdom) behind this method lies in the fact that the things that are first heard are usually the ones that settle and reside in the mind, and never wait until the age of seven to introduce the child to Allah, rather, from birth orientate him towards Islam so that he will view Islam as his deen and Qur’an as is his guide, and the Prophet (pbuh) as his leader and example.
Second, then the detail of the faith to be taught at the age of ten, the understanding of salah, fasting, zakat, and Hajj, and the concepts of Halal and Haram. Ibn Abbas said that Prophet (pbuh) said, “Protect yourself through obedience to Allah and fearing His Punishment and instruct your children to comply with the commandments of Allah and stay away from His Prohibitions. That is the cure and protection of the Hell-fire for you and them.” The teachings of haram and halal will open the eyes to the Commandments of Allah and among the best guides to piety.
These principles must be instilled in such a manner that they actually mix with the flesh and the mind from the age of Seven. Prophet (pbuh) is reported to have said, “Command your children to pray when they reach the age of seven and hit them if they leave it off when they reach the age of ten and separate them from each other in the beds.” The enjoining of good to children is not only beneficial to the child who acts upon it, but is also a source of blessings to the parents. And all success is with Allah.
And now we would like to provide you with several examples from the Noble Qur’an, which instruct us as to how to raise our children according to the Shariah and Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam.
Allah says in Surah Ta-Ha, ayah 132,
Furthermore, in Surah At-Tahrim, ayah 6, Allah says,
“O you who believe! Ward off yourselves and your families against a Fire whose fuel is men and stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern and severe, who disobey not, (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allah, but do that which they are commanded.,,
In ayahs 92 and 93 of Surah Hijr, there contains a clear proof of the obligation one has towards those he who has been made stewards over, when Allah says,
The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said on the authority of Bukhari and Muslim, “Every one of you is a protector and guardian. A ruler is also a steward, a man is a steward in respect of the family members of his house, and a woman is a steward in respect of her husband’s house and his children. Every one of you is a steward and is accountable for those who are placed under his care.”
Another hadith showing the importance of parents raising their children according to the teachings of Islam is the Messenger of Allah’s, peace be upon him, saying, “Teach your kids and family good and train them in goodness.” According to Tirmidhi, Rasulullah is reported to have said, “The teaching of good manners by a man to his childrenis better for him than to give a sa’a in charity.”
Furthermore, careful consideration must be made in terms of selecting the correct environment for education. In this context, environment refers to both inside and outside the home. The deen is the criteria used to determine the quality of a particular environment. First and foremost, the lifestyle of the parents must completely conform to the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah. This lifestyle, which is entirely free of bidah and shirk, must be carefully passed down to the children. In Surah Al Baqarah, ayah 132, Allah says,
Ayah 133 of Surah Al Baqarah provides an excellent example of the diligence parents should have to ensure that the Islamic lifestyle is instilled within their children. Allah says,
The outside environment is no less important than that of the inside. Pay close attention to your children’s selection of friends and associates. Remember that a child’s heart is like a blank sheet of paper only waiting to receive an imprint. Rasulullah, peace be upon him, says, “Man is on the religion of his friend. Therefore let everyone of you look with whom he keeps company (Tirmidhi and Abu Daoud).” A child’s friend should be one possessing strong intellect and clear thinking. The silly and foolish friend will transfer that exact silliness and foolishness to your child.
Secondly, the character of the friend must be taken into careful consideration because character itself is the deen of Islam. You will never be completely safe from the sins and immorality of a person with bad character. Furthermore, the friend cannot be muqalid, or the one following bidah.
As mentioned earlier, the child’s heart is clear and pure and must be treated accordingly. Similarly, bidah is usually discreet and subtle and can be easily transferred to the child. Avoid allowing your children to form friendships with those who are over inclined towards the dunya. Do not allow children to be accustomed to too much comfort and luxury, because decorating their faces and clothes while their deen is blemished will lead to the child spending the rest of their life trying to maintain that comfort instead of utilizing their life for the purpose they were designed for which is the worship of Allah.
So beware of the trust in your hand that possesses a heart ready to gravitate towards any direction shown to it. If we train and instruct them to goodness, then Insha’Allah, we will have a share in those blessings. Likewise, if we accustom them to wickedness and its people, we have in fact caused their wickedness and we will suffer along with them the consequences in. We must protect, discipline and educate them with the best of manners Islam is the religion of excellent character.
As for what follows, are the most common means, which result in bad children, neither, being a benefit to themselves or their parents.
1. The household afflicted with poverty. A child not having enough food and clothing will begin to explore many unIslamic avenues and come into contact with various personalities and lifestyles that are in opposition to the deen of Truth. The solution to this dilemma lays in Islam’s principle of giving each person its right to food and drink. These rights stem from the collective responsibility of both government and society. For example, when poverty is the result of a person’s carelessness, then the government would force that individual to work. Reasons outside of laziness would usually be fulfilled by society through virtues such as Zakat and sadaqah, or voluntary charity.
2. Unnecessary disputing between parents creates an environment devoid of love, honor, and understanding. Soon, the child will begin searching for those virtues from sources that are contrary to Islam. This solution lies in the husband choosing a righteous and pious woman as a spouse. As the Rasullah said, “The world, the whole of it, is a commodity, and the best of the commodities of the world is a virtuous wife (Muslim).” Likewise, the husband must also be pious and even natured. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, “If a man comes to you and you are satisfied with his deen and character then give him a wife.”
3. Righteousness and piety are extremely valuable in marriage because problems always occur when one or both partners are not following an aspect of Islam. Obviously, divorce causes children to feel lost and displaced and to seek happiness from almost anywhere. The solutions to divorce are the preventive measures specifically mention in several ayats of the Qur’an. Furthermore, counseling should be sought from individuals well grounded in the knowledge of Shariah.
Once again, bad company is among the factors that contribute to poor quality children. The Rasullah, peace be upon him said, “Be careful of the bad friend, because through him you will be known.”
And as the old saying goes, ‘show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are,’ is imbedded with wisdom. Next, poor treatment of the children by the parents contributes to unbeneficial children. Refusing toraise them according to the teachings of Islam, which are guided by mercy and patience results in children possessing unstable, angry, and rebellious characters. Actually, to neglect and abandon the responsibility of teaching your children the deen is viewed as a crime in the Shariah. Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said, “Allah’s forgiveness is on the parents who help their children to obey Allah.”
In another the Rasullah, peace be upon him, is reported to have said, “Whoever is merciful, Allah will be merciful to them (Abu Daoud and Tirmidhi).”
Once a man complained to Umar bin Khattab about his disobedient son. The son questioned Umar as to whether or not children have rights on their parents. Umar answered in the affirmative. The son requested Umar to mention those rights. Choosing a good mot[her, a good name, and to teach the Holy Qur’an are the rights Umar taught the man’s son. However, the young man informed Umar bin Khattab that his father married a slave idolatress, named him after a despicable animal, and had taught him nothing of the Qur’an. Umar looked at the father and said, “You complain about your son’s disobedience but you have been disobedient to him from the beginning.”
Perhaps the most destruction force upon the religion of our children is the media in general, and the television in particular. Movies filled with crime, sex, and foul language cause children to become rebellious and even kafir.Similarly, explicit literature and music lyrics must all be barred from Muslim youth.
Children are among the trusts, which Allah will enquire about on the day of Resurrection. Neither parents nor their children will completely follow the teachings of Islam until we understand that this religion is the one of power, knowledge, responsibility, striving, and sacrifice. When Muslims stop being lazy and honor and respect the principles of Shariah. When this ummah, especially the religious scholars, becomes liberated from the love of dunya, bidah, and bad interpretations about the deen, and begins to call to mind the noble purpose for which we’ve all been created, only then can we benefit ourselves and bring love, prosperity, stability, and tranquility into our homes and then the Islamic lifestyle to the entire planet.
May Allah make us among His sincere worshippers and help us to raise our children according to the teachings of Islam and make the Prophet, peace be upon him, and the sahabah, not the Non Muslims, their only role models. (Ameen)
FAQs About Our Islamic Teen Counseling Service in Atlanta and Georgia
Yes, Muslim teenagers can get counseling through these agencies as there are programs aimed at the Muslim teens only. These programs are culturally and religious sensitive to the Muslim youths. Such programs have incorporated the Islamic teachings and the youngsters get a favorable atmosphere where they can talk about their problems without feeling that people around them do not understand them. Such programs guarantee that the process of counseling is carried out without violating the tenets of Islamic religion, thus making the youths to be more receptive for the help. Most of these centers provide several services that include individual and group therapy as well as family counseling services targeting the Muslim teenagers.
The central elements and tenets of Islam are introduced into counseling for teens where spiritual guidance is integrated into the counseling sessions. As a result of these beliefs, counselors rely on Qur’anic verses and Hadith to continue discussions and offer appropriate advice. That way, teenagers can view their problems from the perspective of faith’s outlook and receive spiritual development, as well as therapeutic support. This is possible through prayers, contemplation and Islamic codes of ethics in handling teenage stresses and in the molding of their personalities. Such teachings are incorporated to guarantee that counseling procedures are compatible with the teen’s religious views thus being more meaningful and applicable.
The Islamic principles help in counseling teenagers since they act as a source of moral and ethical guidance to the young. These nouns are favorable for the development of important qualities like patience, honesty, and temperance that can easily be a turning point in teenagers’ lives. The Islamic teachings require submission and adherence to what is correct from the wrong actions that should be taken; this element makes teens know the repercussions of their actions hence posing them into making the correct actions.
Furthermore, the culture tied to the belief of Islam can help youth accept the social support of the community, thereby relieving loneliness. Conclusively, Islamic principles aid in coping with adversities, developing a favorable self-image, and providing the ways in which a person should approach life challenges. It is important to look around for the best teen counseling services for a better future of your teenagers.
Parents would be comfortable with an Islamic teen counselor as the approach will encompass more than just the child’s life issues. The counseling process will also consider Islamic values as far as the principles of counseling will focus on translating teachings from the holy book in order to meet the needs of the people. In counseling, parents will be given a direction/ advice on how to cope with a teen in the home. This means that parents can hope for a better management of the emotions of their teen, sound decision making and other related behaviors among their teenagers. Also, owners train the counselors on how to educate the parents according to Islamic ways that can be used to bring up the children and create a positive environment. The approach outlined here resolves to enhance the functioning of families and healthy relationship within them.
The Islamic teen counseling may be useful in tackling various problems ranging from anxiety, depression, identity crises, peer pressure, and conflicts within the family. It deals with psychological as well as spiritual concepts of these problems, offering a psychological as well as religious point of view to the issue. Counseling can also assist in academic concerns, substance use, and behavioral concerns because it IS based on the tenets of Islam. Furthermore, it provides assistance in cases of religious identity crises in teenagers and assists in managing difficulties related to the strengthening of their belief in non-Muslim environment. Therefore, by incorporating the Islamic solutions into teen counseling, this aspect provides a more efficient method of tackling these problems.
Independent variable, culturally sensitive counseling is important when dealing with Muslim youths as it always considers their cultural and religious beliefs. This way, the counselor is assured that what he or she is teaching has a bearing with the lives of the clients. Improves their feeling of being valued and understood by other people which can be instrumental in increasing the patient’s interest and compliance with therapy.
Being culturally sensitive, the counselors need to acknowledge the problems commonly found among Muslims, which include discrimination or when the teen is torn between cultural and societal norms. Culturally sensitive counseling maintains the Muslim teens’ self-identity and faith in the face of such adversities while offering them a safe haven. Searching for the best “teen counseling near me in Georgia?”, look no further than Marrkazul Irrshaad Wa Tawjeeh as this has to be your go-to counsellor for the best solutions needed.