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Our Mission

Marrkazul Irrshaad Wa Tawjeeh
Centre of Islamic Counseling and Guidance

Marrkazul Irrshaad Wa Tawjeeh (Center for Islamic Counseling and Guidance) was established with the mission to help and assist in the strengthening of Muslim Marriages, Families and Relationships, through proper Islamic education of one of the Divine Institutions of Allah (God), (SWT) which is Marriage and Family.
Our desire is to please Allah (SWT) by guiding Muslims and those who have sincere intentions to understand, observe, and apply what Allah (SWT) requires of them in all areas of Marriage, Family, and Relationships.
The Center is independent and does not promote any particular Imam, any particular Shaykh, Masjid or school of thought, but is organized strictly to please Allah (SWT) by helping to strengthen the Families and the Ummah utilizing the guidance of the Qur’an and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in our Counseling and Consulting.


Build information bridges between the scholars of Islam, the masaajid, the organizations, the businesses, and the Muslim populations in the Metro Atlanta area and beyond, by means of the latest communication tools available (phone, fax, e-mail, pager, etc). This information should also be disseminated through Islamic functions (Halaqaat, Durouse).
Provide religious advice and marriage counseling to all individuals and families.
Provide independent arbitration using “Sharia/Islamic laws” to solve problems between individuals, organizations, etc.
Provide guidance and assistance to new Muslims with follow up programs, such as religious classes, and provision of books.

The council will aim to clarify religious issues to all individuals and organizations according to the Islamic religion. All interpretations will be in accordance with Islamic laws (Sharia).