strengthening the muslim family conference
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Marrkazul Irrshaad Wa Tawjeeh
Centre of Islamic Counseling and Guidance
CICG has hosted various different conferences all over the United States. The themes of these conferences are ” Marriage, Family, and Relationships.”
Living in a non-Muslim society, many questions are proposed about proper behavior (a’ddab) in religion. Conflicts arise when individuals who do not have a solid understanding of the religion choose to implement actions that are not harmonious to the principles upon which Islam is based in their daily actions and life decisions.
Marriages, families, and relationships often become disturbed due to societal pressures, financial difficulties, communication dysfunction, and the inability to resolve disagreements in a manner that provides harmony and peace for the family.
Counseling is recommended to assist couples and families in coming to terms with the best way to handle their dilemmas and issues. The CICG has been very successful in providing these counseling services to the Muslim community.
Through Strengthening the Muslim Family Conferences, CICG is able to provide various workshops that allow participants to establish an avenue to educate themselves on correct information about their proper roles within marriage, family, and society.
Workshops offered include
- Fundamentals of Marriage
- Husband's Responsibilities
- Wife's Responsibilities
- Parental responsibilities to their children
- Children's responsibility to their parents
- Right conduct in Family Living
- How to find the right mate: Purpose and benefit of the Wali
- Proper understanding of the Islamic Marriage institution