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Marrkazul Irrshaad Wa Tawjeeh
Centre of Islamic Counseling and Guidance
What people say

Assalamualaikum! Alhamdulilah, my husband and I were able to connect with Imam Tariq for pre-marital counseling. I never would have thought I’d leave with a whole new outlook on marriage in the best way possible. He guided us through Quran and sunnah on what marriage really means in Islam. There is a lot of comfort that comes in trusting someone with true guidance in what is half of our deen. I would highly recommend Imam Tariq’s services to anyone that is getting married as there was so much I thought I knew, but left with a even greater understanding. Alhamdulilah!

Bismaillah Er Rahman, Er Raheem Alhamdulillahi rabillhamdulillahi rabil alameen.
It is with great pleasure that I write of the personal benefits experienced with Shayk Tariqs premarital counseling.
With Islam, we are all expected to say we want and believe the Quran and Sunnah should be the mandate and legislation to properly guide all of our affairs. It is a fact that while sincerely professing to believe, we may not necessarily realize what a proper marriage should look. We have all witnessed others suffer in, or after, failed marriages. The divorce rate for the people claiming Islam has become similar to that of people who don't even acknowledge the existence of Allah.
Shayk Tariq does clearly remind you throughout the counseling with the statements from the book and the sunnah, but he also presents it in a way that my now wife and I could better understand our roles as Allah's servants seeking marriage. With she and I having the same goals we should expect compatibility, but if you don't have a proper mediation and/or counseling you may not realize how certain positions on important matters may differ from a misunderstand or mis-application of quran and sunnah.
We later married after having a thorough analysis of what we should understand. The standards we accepted were from the successful traits of an Islamic marriage exemplified by Prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah and his companions, male and female. May Allah' s peace be upon him and may they all be rewarded immensely for laying the groundwork for us to simply follow.
Yes, I would HIGHLY recommend Shayk Tariq Khan for a premarital counseling and for family counseling as well. May Allah reward Shayk beyond what he accepted from us, as his services are designed to benefit us for all of this lifetime, and inshallah make it easier for my wife and I to have jannah.

My husband and I would like to thank Imam Tariq Khan of Marrkazul Irrshaad Wa Tawjeeh (Center for Islamic Counseling and Guidance) for his premarital counseling session. It was very beneficial as this session was strictly in accordance to the Qur'an and authentic Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (pbuh). One of the things that stood out to us the most through the session is we received a better and clearer understanding of marriage and that is purely and act of worship. I would highly recommend his services to anyone that really wants to understand their role as a husband and wife in Islam, how to keep a marriage strong and healthy, and most importantly how to fear Allah in regards to your spouse.

I greatly recommend Imam Shaykh Tariq's Marital counseling services. I currently live in the Midwest and my very new husband lives in the South. His services allowed us to do mobile counseling through an online application, which provided a sure way with Shaykh being a third party to get to know one another, such as our Deen and our future as potential spouses. Shaykh always started off with each session with a reminder from The Quran or The Sunnah. Each session is also reasonably priced. Jaazak Allahu khayrn Shaykh Tariq for having this platform as many Muslims are greatly in need of this service, and aiding in what is good for the believer.