Marriage Counseling
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Marrkazul Irrshaad Wa Tawjeeh
Centre of Islamic Counseling and Guidance

Marriage is a sunnah among the other sunnahs of Allah (SWT). A sunnah of Allah (SWT) in creating and establishing which is well visible to everyone and no-one is exempted from it.
Allah (SWT) said in surah 51 verse 49: and among everything we created in pairs that ye may reflect. Allah (SWT) said in surah 30 verse 21: and among his signs is this that he created for you mates from among yourselves that ye may dwell in tranquility with them and he has put love and mercy between your (hearts) verily in that are signs for those who reflect.
Marriage is the system that Allah (SWT) chose for reproduction and continuation of life. Islam has instructed and encouraged the believers to marry and remain lawful to each other as long as they are alive and to show the significance of that Islam has made marriage half of the deen of a Muslim (Tabarani). Also marriage is about relationship between two people each one with a big responsibility which the person will be asked about in the Day of Judgement by Allah (SWT). Islam has guided both in how to dispose of the responsibilities from both the Quran and Sunnah and made them the only way to success, happiness and peace of mind. Included in its charter/articles is the provision of marriage counseling to Muslim couples living in the metro Atlanta and beyond. The center efficiently provides counseling sessions to disturbed marriages in a confidential and professional manner using the Quran and the sunnah as guidance.
Understanding Marriage in Islam and the Role of Best Marriage Counseling Services
Regarding the institution of marriage, Islam considers it as important, indeed, as an essential aspect of the human life. Marriage is also obedience to Allah (SWT) and is among the sunnah for all Islamic followers is highly recommended. The Quran highlights the importance of marriage by stating that everything is created in pairs, allowing humans to reflect on the wisdom of creation (Surah 51:49). Additionally, marriage is seen as a means of achieving tranquility, love, and mercy between spouses, as mentioned in Surah 30:21.
And so, Max, whose character is more closely aligned with this type of liberalism, seemed at times like the organizational expert he was purported to be. The mentioned Quranic verses emphasize on why marriage is ordained from the Creator and why it is very important in the creation of a sound society.
The Quranic verses highlighted in the content point to several key purposes of marriage in Islam:
– Companionship and Tranquility: Marriage allows people to find companion- ship or being at peace in their life. Surah 30:21 Based on the verse of the Noble Quran we have seen that mates where created for men and women to live in peace and comfort with each all (SWT).
– Love and Mercy: Marriage is meant to foster love and mercy in a marriage as between couple. This love and support are considered as indications to those who meditate on the purpose behind matrimony according to God’s plan.
– Reproduction and Continuation of Life: Marriage on the other hand is God’s plan the system that He has honored for reproduction and the sustenance of human kind. It as a guarantee of legitimate and moral continuation of the human race.
Such purposes also present that marriage in Islam is a legal and religious entity that is not only a contract of companionship but it also has spiritual, psychological, and civil roles.
This is so because marriage is valued in Islam as being almost equivalent to half of a Muslim’s religion; this is because the practice of marriage is vital in the shaping of a person’s spiritual and moral character. This concept is derived from these teachings that proclaims the need to satisfy one’s obligations to their spouse and children.
For instance, through marriage, a Muslim is able to complete a major aspect of the Islamic duties and leads to the realization of a more moral society. Muslims are able to view marriage as half of one’s faith because it is perceived that if a person is married, they will be able to live a balanced and moral life so as to have success, happiness as well as finding peace in their lives in line with the teachings of the Quran and the sunnah.
The counseling center is called Marrkazul Irrshaad Wa Tawjeeh and they also address marriages as a couple’s counsel but with the principles of professional secrecy and Islamic teachings. The center offers marital sessions for any Muslim couple with marital problems based on the Quran and the Sunnah’s frameworks of addressing these problems. The counseling process is developed in a manner that focuses on the religious and personal context of the clients, so that the kind of advice they are given together with solutions being suggested are Shariah compliant. Accordingly, by applying these principles, the center hopes to assist couples so that they can overcome their issues and improve the relationship between them. For those searching for marriage counseling near me, the center provides services that adhere strictly to Islamic principles.
A significant feature of the counseling sessions provided by the center is that they strictly base themselves on the Quran and Sunnah. These Islamic sources are applied to seek the Islamic solution to the marital issues so that the information shared would come with the religious validation.
Marriage is guided and governed by the Quran wherein Allah has provided guidance to lead a healthy and blissful married life and Sunnah which explains the practical and real life model from the life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on how to deal and manage different situations in a marriage. Thus, by sticking to these sources, the counseling center makes sure that the sessions are not only functional but also enhance the spirituality aspects from Islamic perspectives as well as avoiding any infringement of the Islamic principles. For those seeking marriage Islamic counseling experts, this approach ensures a strong foundation for marital success.
The counseling center caters for Muslim couples in the metro Atlanta area and the larger society. This means that although the center’s mandate is to focus on the residents of Atlanta and its environs, it is willing to help a person from a different area, perhaps via a zoom session. This broad service area means that all sorts of clients can access the center and all its services regardless of the geographical location. If you are searching for marriage counseling services in Atlanta, GA, this center provides comprehensive support that is both locally accessible and globally available via online sessions.